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A member registered Mar 06, 2019

Recent community posts

You forgot to upload the Unfinished Build to GameJolt!

(1 edit)

Dave! If you can read this, then you got to help me, You banned me from your discord because I posted a video of my school presentation, what I was trying to do was that I was trying to get the video online somewhere so that way I can show it to my teachers in class. This was not on purpose, I was supposed to post it somewhere other than discord. Im chrisopps802 on discord

Everything should have faster movement

The game could be better if you add more levels and made the movement faster

The level is not that hard! As soon as you hear the loud noise, Shoot the camera at Goofy Goober when it's charged.

Windows only


(1 edit)

Try becoming a patron for 5 dollars a month.

Is the one on gamejolt has the latest update with alice?

Can you make the game free for one day on this week please?

Can someone make a alice gameplay video please?